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Want to listen to industry news and views on the way to work? Catch a quick video on a lunchbreak? Prepared Foods now goes anywhere—and everywhere—to cover critical topics.

“Konscious” Effort in Plant-Based Raw Seafood

Prepared Foods Executive Editor-Technical David Feder talks with Yves Potvin, a plant-based foods industry pioneer and founder of Gardein. Today, Potvin leads Konscious Foods Canada, Inc., maker of plant-based sushi, onigiri, and poke analogs. LISTEN NOW!

Tuna Roll Konscious Foods Inc
Computer monitor accessory, Output device, Television set, Peripheral, Black, Rectangle
Dr Dana Mc Curdy

All-Pro Probiotics

Fermentation scientist and kefir expert Dana McCurdy, PhD, discusses how to bring probiotics and prebiotic fibers and starches together into formulations to where they are at maximum efficacy. WATCH NOW!

Computer monitor accessory, Output device, Television set, Peripheral, Black, Rectangle
Ingredient, Recipe, Cuisine, Dish

What Drives Plant-Based Purchase Decisions

Over the past four years, plant-based product sales have seen strong growth, reaching record sales of $8B in 2022 (SPINS). While 88% of active users have a moderate to high commitment to continue their plant-based purchases, one-third of shoppers say they would like to see more plant-based offerings at stores. WATCH NOW!


Top Five Whole-Food Protein Sources

Although plant-based proteins steal headlines, it's important to remember that animal-based, whole-food proteins make up four of the top five most bioavailable protein sources. VIEW NOW!

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DeCEMber 2023 | Volume 192 | Issue 12

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