New Products

cannabis products



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Ingredient Snapshot: Vertosa has launched a patent-pending emulsion system for cannabis and hemp-CBD gummies that ensures faster onset and offset, uniform distribution across each batch and consistent target potency.

Vertosa’s water-based emulsion system offers additional technical benefits for brand partners. Compared with a distillate infusion, Vertosa’s formula and process is more cost-effective, consistent, and is more seamlessly incorporated into gummy recipes, allowing brands to propel their developing products through the supply chain and onto the marketplace in a timely manner.

Emulsion System
for Fast-Acting Gummies

Company: Vertosa



Ingredient Snapshot: This gelatin-based solution improves process efficiency and flexibility for a faster, cost-effective and hygienic production of nutraceutical and pharmaceutical gummies. With this latest innovation within the SiMoGel range, brands can develop center-filled soft-gummies − also called “gummy caps” by Rousselot − that combine evolving consumer preferences for chewable dosage forms, with the ability to include a broad range of nutrients at adequate dosage.

With SiMoGel, the traditional starch moguls are replaced by silicone moguls or blisters. The starchless depositing, which can be done in either flexible and easily cleanable silicone or metal molds, or directly in blister packs, prevents cross-contamination of ingredients. This technique also enhances application possibilities in terms of shape and texture, making an endless array of formats including 3D and high-dimensional products possible.

SiMoGel Center-Filled Gummies Solution

Company: Rousselot


Ingredient Snapshot: Socati has been awarded USDA Organic certification through the Montana State Department of Agriculture after a rigorous evaluation process which required a full, detailed review of several key areas of its operations, including an in-depth review of Socati’s manufacturing records, analysis of the credentials and credibility of each supplier, and confirmation of meticulous cleanliness standards upheld in Socati’s processing facility.

With the USDA Organic certification in place, Socati has launched organic CBD ingredients for brands looking to bring high quality organic CBD products to market. The ingredients include broad-spectrum CBD oils and full-spectrum CBD oils. Both are rich in minor cannabinoids.

Organic CBD Ingredients

Company: Socati Corp


FreshWater Soluble CBD

Company: Mile High Labs


Ingredient Snapshot: FreshWater Soluble CBD Isolate and Distillate are potent and pure CBD-based solutions designed for the natural beverage and wellness industries.

Made with high quality CBD, FreshWater contains no sodium benzoate, no parabens, and no harmful preservatives. It’s a CBD-rich formula that enhances products without impacting flavor and mouthfeel.

Mile High Labs achieves FreshWater Soluble CBD by heating natural surfactants and CBD together before running the formulation through an emulsifier. It’s preserved with soy lecithin to prevent bacterial growth.

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Product Description: Folium Biosciences has introduced stalk-and-seed-only 0.0% THC Broad-Spectrum CBD Oil as the latest in its full range of country-specific customized products. The company's extraction of phytocannabinoid-rich CBD oil derived from stalk and seed is compliant worldwide.

Broad-Spectrum Stalk has been approved by Japanese and South Korean officials for supply to supplement makers in both countries. To fulfill demand, Folium has unveiled a dedicated Japanese and South Korean extraction line in its Pueblo West, CO, cannabinoid extraction and purification facility, adding to dedicated lines for the U.S. and EU, among other countries.

Broad-Spectrum Stalk and Seed Hemp Oil

Company: Folium Biosciences


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JUNE 2021 | Volume 4 | Number 2